for over 30 years
Initial ADD/ADHD Testing
In order to have your child evaluated for ADD or ADHD, the following must be completed and returned to our office prior to scheduling an appointment:
The Vanderbuilt Questionnaires for Parents and Teachers (below). Each parent and each teacher must fill out his or her own copy.
Results of standardized achievement tests (ie. Standford 9, STAR testing)
Report Cards (the last couple of years)
Any other evaluations (ie. psychologist's report, I.E.P. evaluation test results from Sylvan, Score, or other tutoring/learning centers)
Upon receiving your child's evaluations, we will contact you to schedule an appointment. If you have not received a call from our office within 10 days of submitting your evaluations, please contact us immediately.
Please arrive promptly, as these appointments take time and much care. We do not recommend that siblings come to the office during ADD/ADHD appointments, unless they are old enough to be in the waiting room alone. Please notify our office 24 hours in advance if you need to cancel your appointment, or no show fees may apply.
Vanderbuilt Questionaire
Please fill out the following questionnaires and send back to your doctor to be scored. Our office will contact you for an appointment once your evaluations have been scored.